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I’ve got a dream…  Okay – maybe it is not as world changing as the more famous dream, but I believe it could come pretty close.  I have a dream that companies and organizations will one day realize how important an engaged, cohesive team is to their success.  In other words, happy staff = happy customers.   For some of you this is going to be preaching to the choir; please keep reading and feel free to say “amen” every now and then.

I’m a pretty common sense kind of girl and I like things pretty straight forward,  so I cannot figure out why some businesses still haven’t made the connection that investing time in their people and teams equals significantly improved results.  I mean the “proof is in the pudding” as they say. Statistics show time and time again that the majority of the workforce is unhappy, disengaged and actively seeking other employment.  There is also overwhelming proof that companies that spend time on the “people side” of the equation are blowing other organizations out of the water. A + B = C to me is just common sense.

Strong Business Practices + Engaged, Cohesive Team = Happy Customers

Which almost always equals greater profits…

Okay – so statistics aside, doesn’t it just make sense that employees that feel valued, encouraged, connected, communicated to (and listened to), and part of the process would obviously be a little more willing to give 100%, really show up every day (literally not just figuratively), and care about the company’s success?

You may be asking “so why don’t more companies spend time working on their teams?”  I’ve been studying tons of books by the “leadership gurus” and one of my favorites is Patrick Lencioni’s “The Advantage.”  He gives three reasons more companies don’t spend time on their organization’s health (I’m paraphrasing a bit):

  • It seems too simple. Certainly making people happy couldn’t be the big secret to success?!  That’s silly (insert sarcasm).  Often upper management has boiled it down to that “fluffy people stuff” and so they don’t dig into the nitty gritty of what is going on with their teams. They assume an incentive or a bonus will make people happy and are missing the real issues.
  • We’re too busy. Everyone is going a million miles an hour.  All. The. Time.  And we’ve gotten to where we celebrate that, instead of taking time to focus on the important stuff. (This one is kind of like the couples that don’t take time for a date night or parents that can’t find time for a soccer game…and we know how well those usually end.)
  • You can’t measure it.This one can be tricky.  How do you measure “happiness?”  Well, companies often have staff satisfaction surveys, they can measure retention of staff, even measuring team results (or lack thereof) and turning to look in the mirror first before blaming the team; but in my experience they don’t take the time to figure out what those things are telling them.

As Mary Poppins once said – “sometimes people, through no fault of their own, can’t see the nose on the end of their face.”

The good news is that companies who are willing to admit they have some work to do to build a more cohesive, healthy, happy organization, can absolutely do that – there are lots that have! This is not brain surgery – but there are specific processes, exercises, and action steps an organization can take to do this.  The results, I promise, are amazing.

For those of you that this was preaching to the choir, I’m asking for your help.  Please share with anyone you know is frustrated at work because of team dynamics.  Maybe it will get in the hands of some of the decision-makers.  Maybe a few will say “wow, that’s our company and I want to change that.” Maybe they just need a little nudge…  I am part of a large community of leadership coaches that are passionate about helping companies become their best.  I know I can speak for all of us when I say “thank you” for helping to spread the word.

For those of you that ARE that decision-maker at work, what are you waiting for?  If your team is struggling, it is time to get moving in the right direction.  You and I both know things will never stop being “busy.”  Plus better results are what you are working so hard for anyway, right?

And if you are one of the lucky ones that works for a company or organization that “gets it” – they truly practice great communication;  priorities, goals, action steps, and accountability are clear; there is open dialogue (and some conflict too!) and the values are consistent – then please – go say thank you, appreciate a great working environment and do your part to help keep it positive!

So who’s with me?  I’m ready to fulfill my dream of creating dynamic, engaged companies; one workplace at a time!  Will your team be first?  Next blog I’ll give some tips on how to stick your toes in the water if you think your team may need some help.